Home Coffee Chili’s Espresso Martini Recipe

Chili’s Espresso Martini Recipe

by Andy
Chili's Espresso Martini Recipe

Buckle up because we’re diving headfirst into a game-changer: the Chili’s Espresso Martini recipe. Now, before you raise an eyebrow and wonder, “Espresso in a martini? Whose bright idea was that?” – take a beat. This isn’t your grandma’s martini, nor is it the espresso shot you grabbed this morning (though we respect the hustle).

How to make Chili’s Espresso Martini

Chili’s Espresso Martini is a cocktail served at Chili’s Grill & Bar restaurants. It typically consists of vodka, Kahlua (a coffee liqueur), and freshly brewed espresso. Some variations may include simple syrup or flavored liqueurs for added sweetness or complexity.

Ingredients You’ll Need:

  • 1 shot of espresso: Yes, the freshly brewed kind, because we’re all about that rich coffee flavor.
  • 1.5 oz vodka: The smoother, the better. Think of it as the smooth talker that makes everything else in the glass sparkle.
  • 0.5 oz coffee liqueur: Because more coffee flavor equals more fun.
  • A dash of simple syrup: Because a little sweetness never hurts anybody. It’s like the spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down, except it’s delightfully adult.
  • Ice: Lots of it. It’s the unsung hero that chills and dilutes to perfection.
  • Coffee beans, for garnish: Because we’re fancy like that.


  1. Brew the espresso. And let it sit for a hot sec because pouring piping hot espresso into your cocktail is akin to running with scissors — needless danger.
  2. Fill your shaker with ice as if you’re building a tiny, frosty fortress for your ingredients.
  3. Pour in that golden shot of espresso, the smooth-as-silk vodka, the deep, mysterious coffee liqueur, and that little dash of simple syrup that promises some sweet whispers.
  4. Seal it with a kiss; I mean, seal your shaker and shake it like you mean it. Shake it like that one song you can’t sit still to. You’re chilling the drink and giving it that frothy top that makes it so Instagrammable.
  5. Strain it into a chilled martini glass because you’re sophisticated like that. Leave the ice behind; it’s done its duty.
  6. Garnish with a few coffee beans, an edible declaration that this, indeed, is an espresso martini.

Tips to Nail It:

  • Chill your glasses: Pop those glasses in the freezer a little before. A cold glass keeps the drink chilled longer, plus it looks extra inviting.
  • Quality ingredients: This drink is like a trio of divas; each one needs to shine. So, don’t skimp on the quality of your vodka, coffee liqueur, and especially the espresso.
  • Experiment: Who says you can’t teach an old drink new tricks? Feel like spicing it up? Add a cinnamon stick or a dash of vanilla extract. Want to make it vegan? Use agave syrup instead of simple syrup. The stage is yours.
  • Serve immediately: Espresso martinis are like shooting stars, mesmerizing but fleeting. Serve them up as soon as you’ve poured for the full wow effect.

What to serve with

When it comes to pairing food with this classy cocktail, think of it as setting up a good friend on a blind date; you want something that complements its vibrant personality without overwhelming it. Here’s a laid-back guide to elevating your espresso martini experience from great to “Are you kidding me? This is amazing!”

1. Decadent Desserts

First off, the Chili’s espresso martini loves hanging out with the sweet crowd. A slice of rich chocolate cake? A match made in heaven. The coffee notes in the martini dance beautifully with the deep, sultry tones of chocolate. Or, perhaps a creamy tiramisu? With its own coffee undertones, it pairs with the martini like the stars and the moon.

2. Cheese

Yes, cheese! If you want to strut down Savory Lane, bring out a platter with a spread of cheeses. Aged gouda, with its caramel sweetness, or a creamy brie can be delightful pals for your martini. Throw in some crackers and a little fruit, and baby, you’ve got a party on a platter!

3. Nuts

Almonds, cashews, or walnuts—these little bites are not only a great snack but their rich, earthy flavors make them an outstanding companion for the nutty notes of your espresso martini. Plus, they’re easy to nibble on as you chat the night away.

4. Seafood Sensations

Feeling fancy? Why not! Seafood like smoked salmon canapes or mini shrimp cocktails can add a dash of sophistication to your soirée. The saltiness of the seafood complements the sweetness of the Chili’s Espresso martini, creating a balance that could only be described as having your cake and eating it too − if your cake was a deliciously briny shrimp.

5. Chocolate-covered Anything

Rounding back to sweets, because why not—dipping anything in chocolate and serving it with a Chili’s espresso martini is like sending your taste buds straight to flavor town. Think chocolate-covered strawberries, oranges, or even espresso beans for that extra coffee kick.

6. Olives

If you want to keep things mysteriously minimalistic, offer some olives. Their briny, salty profile with notes of bitterness can stand up to the robust flavors of the martini, making each sip and bite a delightful contrast.

Ingredients Substitutes

Espresso Martini Chili's Recipe

Let’s talk about jazzing up the classic Chili’s Espresso Martini with some nifty substitute ingredients because sometimes life throws you a curveball, and you’ve got to shake it off (or in this case, shake it up) and get creative.

The Espresso Shot

Got no espresso machine? No panic! Strong brewed coffee can step in and save the day. Aim for a dark roast to keep those deep, rich coffee flavors in play. If you’re feeling adventurous, cold brew concentrate is another fab substitute, giving your martini that smooth, bold kick without the bitterness.

The Vodka

Vodka is like the quiet one at the party that secretly knows all the dance moves. If you want to twist things up, why not try a flavored vodka? Vanilla or caramel vodka can dial up the dessert vibes of your martini. Or, for those who love to walk on the wild side, a shot of espresso vodka doubles down on the coffee flavor for a real wake-up call.

Coffee Liqueur

Kahlúa is the go-to, but let’s not box ourselves in. There’s a whole world of coffee liqueurs to explore. Tia Maria gives a slightly lighter, more Jamaican vibe, while a DIY coffee liqueur (yeah, you heard it right, homemade!) can add a personal touch that screams ‘crafted with love’. Not into coffee liqueur at all? A chocolate liqueur can sweeten the deal in a delightful twist.

Simple Syrup

Sugar, sugar, you’ve been replaced! Well, sometimes. Agave syrup or maple syrup can jump in as a substitute, bringing their unique sweetness and depth. Want something with a tad more intrigue? Honey syrup (just water down a bit of honey) can add a floral note that plays nicely with the bitterness of the coffee.

The Garnish

Coffee beans are classic, but let’s not stop there. A twist of orange peel can add a zesty note, while a sprinkle of cocoa powder or a few chocolate shavings can make your drink look and taste oh-so-gourmet. Feeling a bit nutty? A dash of cinnamon or a couple of cardamom pods can spice things up beautifully.

Final Thoughts

So next time you’re looking to impress, whether it’s a date, a mate, or just yourself (because you deserve it), whip out the shaker and show off your Chili’s Espresso Martini skills. 

More Espresso Recipes:

Chili's Espresso Martini Recipe

Chili's Espresso Martini

Serves: 4 Prep Time: Cooking Time:
Nutrition facts: 230 calories 0.2 gram fat
Rating: 5.0/5
( 1 voted )


  • 1 shot of espresso
  • 1.5 oz vodka
  • 0.5 oz coffee liqueur
  • A dash of simple syrup
  • Ice
  • Coffee beans, for garnish


  1. Brew the espresso. And let it sit for a hot sec because pouring piping hot espresso into your cocktail is akin to running with scissors — needless danger.
  2. Fill your shaker with ice as if you’re building a tiny, frosty fortress for your ingredients.
  3. Pour in that golden shot of espresso, the smooth-as-silk vodka, the deep, mysterious coffee liqueur, and that little dash of simple syrup that promises some sweet whispers.
  4. Seal it with a kiss; I mean, seal your shaker and shake it like you mean it. Shake it like that one song you can’t sit still to. You’re chilling the drink and giving it that frothy top that makes it so Instagrammable.
  5. Strain it into a chilled martini glass because you’re sophisticated like that. Leave the ice behind; it’s done its duty.
  6. Garnish with a few coffee beans, an edible declaration that this, indeed, is an espresso martini.

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